I woke up dazed
some taniwha had risen
underneath my bed
straight up from
the centre of the earth
and humped like
a green horse
first time under the saddle.
Then the noise
a peremptory growl
travelling away from me
as swiftly as a train.
How unusual and strange.
I couldn't write a poem
for every earthquake
I have lived through
they all have their little quirks
but every other one had rumbled
towards me, done its worst
shivered, rippled, shook
then galloped away.
The house and I settled
down, drew our breath
and the earth turned.
I have been a bit knocked about emotionally by this new earthquake in Christchurch which has caused so much damage and suffering. So I hadn't sorted out my Tuesday poem. Then I remembered the only poem I have written about an earthquake. Because I was born in Wellington I have been through lots of them. But nothing major. I'm lucky. I thought of this poem because I have a friend who lives in Lyttleton which was the epicentre. So my only epicentre experience came to mind. It was in Martinborough, actually.